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Monday, 16 September 2013

Prop List

Prop List:

In order create a successful media piece there are several things i need to include within the mise en scene of my music video.

Van - The first of which is a van, which half of my music video is based on. It is required for scenes such as the van driving, the lights igniting and the protagonists being dragged in the van.
Baseball bat/Blunt weapon - This is required for a brief part in the video, in which the antagonist hits the protagonist over the head.
Phone - This is required for two key parts in the video; the opening and the end, when the antagonist receives pictures of the targets he has to take.
Cigarette - Required for a brief part in the song when the protagonist is smoking.

To provide the conventions of my genre's music video, i need to ensure that the protagonist and antagonist can be easily portrayed, so the audience knows who is who. Therefore, i need to ensure that their costumes provide the right connotations for the audience.

Black skinny Jeans & desert boots - This reflects the interests of the type of audience i intend to appeal to.
White T-Shirt - Connotes purity, enforcing the fact, that he is the protagonist of the story.
Grey jacket - Grey is quite a mundane colour, which will reflect that the protagonist is just an every day person.

Black trousers
Black Jacket

Black shoes
By making all clothing items black, it will clearly demonstrate that he is in fact the antagonist, as black's connotations are that of evil and corruption. The fact that he will be wearing shoes and trousers instead of jeans and trainers will demonstrate that he is a professional at what he does. The balaclava will enforce the antagonistic nature of the character, and with all of these elements added together, the character will be a successful antagonist.

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